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DYNAMIC – Towards responsive engineering curricula through Europeanisation of dual higher education

Project Reference: 588378-EPP-1-2017-1-DE-EPPKA2-KA

Implementation period: November 2017 – June 2021

Coordinator: Wismar University of Applied Sciences, Germany

The project sought to address the need for more flexible routes for acquiring up-to-date industry-related skills necessary to boost and sustain innovation in the sectors of Smart Specialisation. For this purpose, regular practical phases in enterprises were integrated in the ongoing engineering curricula to accelerate the update of knowledge provided by higher education institutions in three undergraduate programmes: Mechatronics and Robotics (Romania), Shipbuilding and Construction (Bulgaria) and Mechanical Engineering and Production (Croatia).

The main intellectual output of the project is “Methodological guidelines for design and implementation of practice-integrated dual higher education programmes in Science & Technology Studies” in the context of Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia. The output is meant to satisfy the need for strategic approach in updating engineering curricula implicating the dual education model.

Within the project a toolkit documentation and assessment of the practical training for academic supervisors and materials for training of industrial supervisors were also developed to support the enterprises and higher education institutions for the implementation of the 3 dual programmes.

The DYNAMIC project has been implemented under the coordination of Wismar University of Applied Sciences across five countries by a total of 16 organisations.

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