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BEE-VET проект

BEE-VET: Transforming VET in Construction – Innovative Materials for Building and Energy Efficiency

Project Reference: 2019-1-BG01-KA202-062584

Implementation period: November 2019 – October 2022

Coordinator: RAABE Bulgaria

The BEE-VET project has been implemented by eight partners representing Austria, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Turkey.

The BEE-VET consortium has developed a set of interrelated innovative products focusing on innovations in construction and integration between R&D and VET with the intention to respond to the needs of the construction sector for well prepared and skilled employees which are acquainted with the latest technological developments on the market:

• BEE-VET Digital Toolkit: interactive training materials for upper-secondary VET students on green, sustainable and energy efficient construction
• BEE-VET Teachers’ Handbook: methodical guidance for VET teachers in vocational subjects providing advice and ideas for extended use of digital technologies at school
• BEE-VET Concept for Curricula Update: a proposal for improvement of the curricula and syllabus based on the identified best practice

The impact we expect to have achieved with our work within the BEE-VET project involves the enhanced competencies to design structured, up-to-date, and practical training materials in the field of BEE-VET; the fostering of usage of ICT in education; the increased knowledge on how to build long-term education-business partnerships between education and training providers and business; the contribution to the economic prosperity by employment of R&D and innovations in the learning process; the contribution to the establishment of a common framework in the BEE-VET and mutual recognition of learning outcomes and qualifications.

Ultimately, through increasing the attractiveness of VET in Construction and Energy Efficiency our ambition is to contribute for better employability and economic prosperity both at national level of the participating countries and at EU level.

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